Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Provisional Executive Board

Provisional Executive Board

  • CHAIRMAN:           Riaz Ahmad Khan
  • Vice Chairman:        Amjad Ayoub
  • Treasurer:                 Rehmat Karim
  • Secretary:                  Fayyaz Ahmad Dewan/Shukrullah Beg (Hashoo Foundation)

1.   Farman Abbas has been requested to accept the Provisional position of CHAIRMAN for the current year - Event to be held in Dec 2011/Jan 2012.
2.    Please update the "Donors/Members List"  as first priority item.

    1 comment:

    1. My Dear members of the executive board,

      Farman Abbas has been requested to head the team this year instead of Riaz A Khan.Please cosult your team, Engineer Jabbar may also be requested to join the team if Fayyaz Dewan wants to opt out.

